What is @MainActor and How to use it

2 min readNov 6, 2023


MainActor is a singleton that runs code on the main thread. In more detailed terms, it is an actor whose executor runs code on the main thread, also known as the main thread or UI thread.

There are many use to MainActor

By calling the run method and passing our code in a closure:

await MainActor.run {
await execute()

The second way to use MainActor is by annotating our code using @MainActor:

func execute() async {

This ensures that our code runs on the main thread. We can also use this notation in classes and task closures.

To indicate that an entire class will perform its operations on the main thread, we do the following:

class MyClass {
// Code here...

If we want a specific method not to run on the main thread, we can do so using the nonisolated modifier:

class MyClass {
func run() { ... }

nonisolated func stop() { ... }

In this case, run() will execute on the main thread, but stop() will not.

To specify that a task closure will perform its operations on the main thread, we do the following:

Task { @MainActor in 
// Code here...

If you want to read the Spanish version of this article, you can find it here: https://asynclearn.com/blog/que-es-main-actor/




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