MapKit in SwiftUI: Overlays

3 min readMay 27, 2024


In addition to adding content with markers, MapKit provides the ability to add overlays to a map. These overlays include MapCircle, MapPolygon, and MapPolyline, which you can use to highlight content on the map, such as area boundaries, transportation routes, or points of interest.

To demonstrate the capabilities of overlays, use the following variables indicating coordinates on a map:

let location1 = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.413652, longitude: -3.681793)
let location2 = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.414951, longitude: -3.681856)
let location3 = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.416257, longitude: -3.680661)

let location4 = [
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.418197, longitude: -3.685186),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.418528, longitude: -3.683695),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.416122, longitude: -3.682697),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.415787, longitude: -3.684226),


Add a circle to the map at the specified coordinate and radius. Additionally, you can apply the following modifiers:

  • foregroundStyle: Specifies the style to use for the circle's content.
  • mapOverlayLevel: Specifies the position of the circle relative to the map content. Accepted values are aboveRoads to position above roads but below labels, and aboveLabels to position above both roads and labels.


Map {
// 1
MapCircle(center: location1, radius: CLLocationDistance(50))
.mapOverlayLevel(level: .aboveRoads)

// 2
MapCircle(center: location2, radius: CLLocationDistance(50))
.mapOverlayLevel(level: .aboveLabels)
  1. A circle with a radius of 50 in red overlaid on the map road but below the labels.
  2. A circle with a radius of 50 in mint overlaid on both the map road and labels.


Create a polygon on the map at the specified coordinates. Like in MapCircle, you can use the foregroundStyle and mapOverlayLevel modifiers to give your MapPolygon a special touch.


Map {
// 1
MapPolygon(coordinates: location4)
.mapOverlayLevel(level: .aboveRoads)
  1. A purple polygon overlaid on the map road but below the labels.


Create a sequence of connected lines.


Map {
// 1
MapPolyline(coordinates: [location1, location3])
.stroke(.brown, lineWidth: 5)
  1. Create a brown polyline with a width of 5 using the stroke modifier between the coordinates location1 and location3.

Where MapPolyline shines is when combined with MKDirections to create routes from a starting point to a destination. MKDirections allows you to obtain directions and estimated travel time between two locations through Apple's servers.

For example, in your SwiftUI view, add the following variable:

@State private var route: MKRoute?

route will define the route from location1 to location3.

Add the following function:

func calculateDirections() async {
// 1
let request = MKDirections.Request()
request.source = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(coordinate: location1))
request.destination = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(coordinate: location3))
request.transportType = .walking

// 2
let response = try? await MKDirections(request: request).calculate()
route = response?.routes.first
  1. Create a request variable of type MKDirections.Request to request routes from the starting point location1 to the destination point location3 by walking as the mode of transportation.
  2. Calculate possible route directions based on the specified request and assign the first route to the route variable.

Once all the above is done, in your SwiftUI view, add:

Map {
// 1
if let route {
// 2
.stroke(.brown, lineWidth: 5)
.task {
// 3
await calculateDirections()
  1. Validate that route is not nil before creating the MapPolyline.
  2. Create a brown polyline with a width of 5 using the stroke modifier with the route contained in route.
  3. Call the calculateDirections() function.

If you want to read the Spanish version of this article, you can find it here:




Written by AsyncLearn

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