How to display a Menu in SwiftUI

3 min readJul 8, 2024


Displaying menus as pop-ups when pressing a button is very easy in SwiftUI thanks to its Menu view. Let’s see an example of how to create a menu with different options:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
// 1
Menu("Teams") {
// 2
Button("Real Madrid", action: {})
Button("Barcelona", action: {})
Button("Chelsea", action: {})
Button("Manchester City", action: {})
  1. We use the Menu view, which takes a LocalizedStringKey as a parameter, which serves as the title of our button.
  2. We create the different options that our menu will have.

By using LocalizedStringKey, the app will automatically support the translations we have in our String Catalog.

Example of using a Menu with different options in SwiftUI

Using a Menu Within a Menu (Inception? 🤔)

It is possible to create a menu within another menu; simply, among the options, instead of using a Button, we use another Menu. Let’s see how:

Menu("Teams") {
Menu("Real Madrid") {
Button("Real Madrid", action: {})
Button("Real Madrid Castilla", action: {})
Button("Barcelona", action: {})
Button("Chelsea", action: {})
Button("Manchester City", action: {})
Example of using a Menu with another menu inside its options in SwiftUI

Customizing the Menu Label

If instead of a simple string you want more control over how the Menu label looks, we can use another of its constructors init(content:label:). Let’s see how:

Menu {
Menu("Real Madrid") {
Button("Real Madrid", action: {})
Button("Real Madrid Castilla", action: {})
Button("Barcelona", action: {})
Button("Chelsea", action: {})
Button("Manchester City", action: {})
} label: {
// 1
Label("Teams", systemImage: "soccerball")
  1. In this section, we will add whatever we want the Menu label to show. In our case, we are using a Label to display a title and an icon.
Example of customizing the Menu label in SwiftUI

Creating Different Sections Within the Menu

We can use the Section view to group options within sections inside our Menu. Let’s see an example:

Menu {
// 1
Section("Football") {
Menu("Real Madrid") {
Button("Real Madrid", action: {})
Button("Real Madrid Castilla", action: {})
Button("Barcelona", action: {})

Section("Basketball") {
Button("Lakers", action: {})

Section("Baseball") {
Button("Chicago Cubs", action: {})
} label: {
  1. Simply add the options we want inside Section, and we can have different sections grouped as options of the Menu.
Example of different sections within a Menu in SwiftUI

How to Use Primary Action in a Menu

Starting from iOS 15, we can add a default action when opening the menu using the init(content:label:primaryAction:) constructor. Let’s see an example:

Menu {
Menu("Real Madrid") {
Button("Real Madrid", action: {})
Button("Real Madrid Castilla", action: {})
Button("Barcelona", action: {})
} label: {
} primaryAction: {
// 1
print("Action called")
  1. We see the use of the new constructor, where we execute whatever we want as the primary action once the Menu is opened.




Written by AsyncLearn

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